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The Athens Water District is currently under a BOIL ORDER UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.  

This includes ALL residents and businesses that are served by the Athens Water Department.  Precautionary boil orders are issued when the water system pressure falls below 20PSI due to repairs and/or operational problems.

At this time we are asking residents to please conserve water to preserve the water that we do have available for usage until our towers can replinish.

Please be sure to NOT use the water for the following:

*  Drinking

*  Ice Making

*  Personal Hygiene

*  Food washing/preparation

*  Drink Preparation

*  Dish Washing

*  Hand Washing

*  Pet Care

*  Child Bathing

Please take measures to ensure that bathing time is limited if you choose to not boil your water first.  Water should be boiled for 5 minutes before consumption.

To stay up to date with the current boil order and all other alerts for the City of Athens, please visit www.athensil.com and subscribe to our alerts.  Please call our office with any questions at 217-636-8429.